Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055
Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

  • Total Power Dissipation TC = 25☌ Derate Above 25☌ PD = 115 W 0.657 W/☌.
  • Continuous Collector-Current I C = 15 Adc.
  • Collector to Base Voltage V CB = 100 Vdc.
  • Collector to Emitter Voltage V CER = 70 Vdc.
  • If these limits are exceeded, device may cease to function with its standard specifications, causing severe damage to the device and also affecting its reliability parameters. These ratings specified to the device are stress limit values (not the standard operating criteria) for the particular device and are not valid simultaneously. Maximum ratings are the highest tolerable values beyond which a permanent damage can occur to the device. MAXIMUM RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF 2N3055 TRANSISTOR The load current specs must be at any cost lower than 15 amps, in fact lower than 14 amps to avoid current reaching the breakdown limit. The collector pin should be connected with one terminal of the load, while the other terminal connects with the positive supply line. The basic formula can be studied from this article. The base resistor value will depend on the load specifications attached at the collector pin of the transistor.

    transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

    A calculated resistor must be included in series with the base pinout of the transistor. This input switching signal can be anywhere between 1V and 12V ideally. The base is connected across the input signal through which the transistor needs to be switched ON or OFF. In the common emitter mode which is most frequently used configuration, the emitter pin is connected with the ground line or the negative supply line. Just like any other npn BJT, 2N3055 connections are also pretty straightforward. Pinout Diagram How to Connect the Pinouts Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage − V CE(sat) = 1.1 Vdc (Max) IC = 4 Adc.DC Current Gain or hFE = 20 −70 IC = 4 Amps (Collector Current).

    transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055


    Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055